Since it was introduced in 2019, the EAA Ray Aviation Scholarship has been a tremendous success. This program offers flight training scholarships for youths to help them complete flight training and earn their pilot certificate. Thanks to the generous support of the Ray Foundation, EAA is able to award scholarships of up to $10,000 to EAA chapters so they can help deserving young people learn to fly. As of this writing, more than 220 scholars have earned their pilot certificates through the program, and more than 230 are currently undergoing flight training. The program has seen an annual success rate of 80-85 percent.
All EAA chapters are eligible to apply for a scholarship each year. If awarded a scholarship by EAA, then the chapter nominates a young person to receive the scholarship. That youth must be 16-19 years old to apply if seeking a private pilot or sport pilot certificate, or they must be 15-19 years old if seeking a glider pilot certificate. A full list of eligibility requirements can be found here (EAA website). After a chapter’s scholar has been approved by EAA, then the chapter begins receiving scholarship funding.
EAA 80 has been selected by National to sponsor a 2024-25 Ray Scholar. Applications are due by 16 April 2024.