We are looking for a permanent home for EAA 80. One option would be to build a hangar at the Millard Airport. We are currently exploring a 100′ by 120′ hangar just to the South of the Oracle FBO. We would adopt the business model of EAA 91 at Lee’s Summit, Missouri. They have successfully built three hangars by: obtaining very low-cost property leases from their airport authority; self-help building their first hangar; leasing aircraft storage spaces to chapter members to pay mortgage and lease; using income after debts are paid off to fund additional hangars.
The hangar blue-prints listed below would cost ~ $267,000 to build.
A hangar door to fit the blue-prints would cost ~ $22,000 to purchase.
Phase I: Identify possible locations and specifications for hangar.
Phase II: Request permission to lease property and build from airport owner or Omaha Airport Authority.
Phase III: Raise funding for down payment and acquire mortgage for balance of construction.
Phase IV: Build facility and lease aircraft storage spaces to help fund debt repayment.