Ray Aviation Scholarship

In January 2025, Chapter 80 applied to EAA to administer a 2025 Ray Scholarship for a $12,000 flight training scholarship. If we are selected to give another Ray Scholarship, we will begin a search in March for a motivated youth aged 16 ½ to 19 who would like to participate in a concentrated one-year effort to acquire his/her Private Pilot License. The selection process will begin with reviewing questionnaire responses from scholar candidates. We look at a candidate’s motivation, participation level in Chapter activities, apparent ability to complete the training in one year and any accomplishments toward flight training preparation. Possession of an FAA medical certificate is required for scholarship consideration. That is, a scholar hopeful should already have an FAA medical certificate in March for us to consider him/her. We cannot propose a Ray Scholar candidate to the EAA without an FAA medical certificate.

The scholarship gives $4,800 to start flight training, then requires soloing within 4 months to receive the next $4,800 and then requires completion of the FAA Knowledge Exam within 4 more months to receive the last $2,400. The Ray Aviation Foundation has partnered with EAA’s chapter structure to find and mentor flight training scholars with the goal of an 80% completion rate. Chapter 80 has graduated 2 for 2 and has two Ray Scholars currently underway.   Thanks to all of our Chapter 80 volunteers who keep our Chapter active and visible. That helps us earn the privilege of administering this scholarship.

EAA 80’s Graduated Ray Scholars:  Patrick Stolinski (2021) and Delaney Moffitt (2022). 

Current Scholars:  Andrew Pineda (2023) and Jario Anguiano-Adame (2024).

Rex Ekwall Scholarship

EAA 80 is pleased to announce that it will be administering the 2025 edition of the Rex Ekwall Foundation Scholarship.  Rex was a lifelong Nebraska resident who passed away in the Fall of 2022.  He owned Rite Way Oil & Gas Company and was a lifelong aviation enthusiast and philanthropist.  The Rex Ekwall Memorial Scholarship is a highly competitive scholarship that allows the recipient one year and $12,000 to complete their Private Pilot’s License. 

EAA 80 will utilize the same rules and application processes that it uses for the Ray Scholarship.  It will also conduct Rex Ekwall interviews at the same time as the Ray Scholar applicants. EAA 80’s Graduated Rex Ekwall Scholar:  Josh Hyrnkow (2024).

New home for Able Ace at Oakview Mall

On Sunday, 10/6 we moved the Able Ace facility from our previous spot in the Oakview Mall to the new place. We’re on the upper level, next door to Riddle Jewelers in the former PacSun store location.

Able Ace is the home of two EAA 80 build projects, a Kitfox and a GlaStar. It’s also used by the Omahawks R/C Club, Aviation STEMaha, and The Heartland Organization of Rocketry (THOR). EAA 80 holds its meetings there part of the year.

The new space is somewhat smaller than the old one, but still a great location to work and get our aviation and STEM community a little exposure to the rest of the world.

Chapter Picnic September 8th!

The September meeting will be replaced by the chapter picnic on September 8 at noon, at the Plattsmouth airport. There will be no presenter. The chapter will provide burgers, brats and drinks. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share.

Breakfast flyout August 11

Mike finally got his RV 12 running well and the weather looks good for a breakfast fly out on sunday August 11.  Vermillion SD (VMR) is having a breakfast fly in.  There will be a free will offering to the Lions Club for breakfast.

Let’s plan to arrive at 08:30.  Talk 122.75 as usual.